Vor einer Woche habe ich euch auf Snapchat (alexaally) einen Teil des Rezepts gezeigt, das ich heute mit euch teile. Ich habe gesunde Blondies gebacken, die sowohl Low-Carb-Fans als auch Veganer geeignet sind (müssen aber nicht vegan gemacht werden!).
You don't have to wait until cheat day to have sweet treats. I don't like the term "cheat day" or practice it in any way - I believe in intuitive eating and in listening to your own body. But why reach for the highly processed stuff when you can easily make your own? "Blondies" are the blond, vanilla version of brownies. The only difference in my recipe is that they are low-carb and vegan if you want them to be! I showed you a little part of how to make these last week on Snapchat. So here's how to make them:
- 9g Leinmehl 9g flax seed meal or ground flax seeds
- 50g Süßlupinenmehl 50g lupin flour
- 35g Kokosmehl oder Sojamehl 35g coconut or soya flour
- 65g Eiweißpulver, Vanille ➪ mein Protein Rabattcode: "AlexasEarth" 65g vanilla protein powder
- 1 TL Backpulver 1 tsp baking powder
- 50g Zucchini, geraspelt 50g zucchini, shredded
- 45g Xucker light 45g erythritol or sweetener of choice
- 1 Ei oder 1 EL Leinsamen + 3 EL Wasser 1 egg or 1 flax egg
- 70g Heidelbeeren oder Himbeeren 70g blueberries or raspberries
- 1-2 Gläser Wasser 1 cup water
Verlinkt mich gerne auf Instagram, wenn ihr sie nachmacht! :)
In a bowl, combine all dry ingredients (flax-seed meal, lupin flour, coconut flour, protein powder, baking powder, erythritol). In a second bowl, mix all wet ingredients (egg/chia egg, zucchini). Don't worry about the zucchini, you won't taste it at all! Next, pour the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients, add water and mix. That's it! The mixture should be pourable; if the batter is too dry, add water until liquid. Pour the blondie batter onto a baking pan lined with parchment paper (or into cupcake trays to make cupcakes!). Now add berries on top and put into the oven. Let bake for 15-25 minutes. Check whether the blondies done by sticking a toothpick or knife into the center of the batter. If it comes out clean, you can remove them from the oven. Now they're ready to be eaten! I topped them with shredded coconut flakes and granola. For some extra crunch, a raw flapjack bar cut into small pieces and added to the batter would taste amazing. You can use my code "ALEXA10" for 10% off on all natural products by Creative Nature. In your shopping basket, type in the code and it will be added automatically.
90g Eiweiß / 23g Kohlenhydrate / 20g Fett / 8g Zucker / 31g Ballaststoffe
22,5g Eiweiß / 5,7g KH / 5g Fett / 2g Zucker / 7,7g Ballaststoffe
90g protein / 23g carbs / 20g fat / 8g sugar / 31g fiber
protein: 22,5g / carbs: 5,7g / fat: 5g / sugar: 2g / fiber: 7,7g
I want to take whey protein. whey protein india