Chili sin Carne, ohne Hack, und noch dazu mit mehr Proteinen und weniger Fett als das klassische Chili. Geht nicht? Geht doch!
Vegan, gesund und richtig lecker. 🙉
- 1/2 rote Zwiebel
- 2 Knoblauchzehen
- 200ml Gemüsebrühe
- 2 EL Tomatenmark
- 1 Dose Kidney Bohnen
- 100g Linsen (trocken)
- 1 Paprika, rot
- 2 reife Tomaten, groß
- 1 Dose geschälte Tomaten
- Gewürze: Chili, Pfeffer, Paprika, Zimt
- Kräuter: frische Minze, Petersilie
- 70g SeaMore Tagliatelle (Trockengewicht)
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Pasta with chili sin carne for those chilly days - Vegan and high in protein!
The clue: this pasta is actually 100% wild seaweed! Algae (like seaweed) are the best source of iodine, they help your thyroid function normally, keeping your hormones at normal levels and preventing weight gain.
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 1 can kidney beans
- 200ml veggie stock
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 100g lentils (dry weight)
- 1 bell pepper, red
- 2 ripe tomatoes, big
- 1 can of puréed tomatoes
- spices: chili, pepper, paprika
- herbs: fresh mint, parsley
- 70g Seaweed Pasta (dry weight)
Sautée onion, garlic and spices in oil or water. On high heat, add tomato paste. Then add lentils and vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Next, add tomatoes (fresh and canned). At medium heat, let it sit for 50-60 minutes. After 40 minutes, add chopped bell pepper and canned kidney beans.
Soak pasta for 15-20 minutes in filtered water and rinse afterwards. Cook it for 20 minutes in boiling water. Chop up ginger and add to the pot of pasta - this way the pasta will lose its "ocean" taste. Then drain and mix with the delicious chili. Garnish with fresh basil or any herbs you prefer.
I hope you try this recipe! Tag me on Instagram using the hashtag #AlexasEarthBowls if you do! Enjoy :)
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